I wish I was better at exercising consistently and stuff, it just never seems to stick...
Week of Winners
Today is the birthday of the boy I took to formal last year. It's interesting how much things change in a year.
Animal Control?
I just witnesses something very strange. I was at the park swinging, as per my usual, and this guy. Drove up in an animal control unit van. At first I'm like" oh great, I'm at the park and there's a wild rabid animal running loose" but then I see the guy pull up to a parked township truck, get out of his van, open the back of the truck, and wheel out a lawn mower. Then the guy puts the lawn mower in his van and drives away. I was so shocked at what happened I didn't know what to do. Should I call the township? Was it a normal occurrence for this to happen? Like what would animal control need with a lawn mower? Or was he just posing as animal ccontrol? Sometimes I feel like I watch too mmany cop shows. I mean, maybe he was helping them out because of the lack of rabid animals in town...but what if he wasn't? What do I do?
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