

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 047 - A picture of your favorite animal

In case you haven't already guessed, my favorite animal is a frog :-) I love them!


Day 046 - A picture that you edited

Monday May 30th, 2011

I've edited many a photo, so here's a good one...

Day 045 - A picture of your favorite cartoon character

Sunday May 29th, 2011

Well I thought this would be easy, but there are a lot of cool cartoon characters out there! Here is a favorite from my childhood that I still love :-)


PS a little known fact is that I did my freshmen project on the cartooning system and had to create my own cartoon step by step. Looking back, I'm actually quite proud of it even though it was a pain in the neck project that wasn't even done any more after my year...

Day 044 - A picture that describes your life

Saturday May 28th, 2011

A photo that describes my life, this is gunna be a difficult one...
Okay, so here's a picture that describes who I am:

hyper, singing Bon Jovi on the top of my lungs, with friends, doing performance music stuff, wearing my cheerleading jacket, and all around ecstatic. Yeah, that pretty much describes it all...


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 043 - A picture of you celebrating

I know, I know, I'm about 45 minutes late but this week's been hectic, cut me some slack! besides, I'm on vacation...

I should have gotten a celebration pic this week, but this will have to do for now, here some of us are celebrating parade day :-)


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 041 - A picture of your favorite weather



Day 042 - A picture of you listening to music

yessss! I was waiting for this day! PS I'm listening to music right now, so until I get this picture up...

listening to music with my new headphones and enjoying pixi stix :-) so wonderful!

here's what I was listening to in the picture:


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 040 - A picture of your friends

This is a picture of some fun my friends and I were having at the lake and the names of most of the people I've been hanging out with this week :-)

While I do have to shout out to all my friends who are not here this week, this is a picture of some that are!


Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 039 - A picture of your favorite food

I decided that my favorite food is chicken! I like it a lot of ways, so this is my chicken both traditional style and buffalo from dinner tonight :-)


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 038 - A picture of your favorite drink

Here's a picture of Flat Stanley enjoying my favorite drink...
Klee's Old Fashioned RootBeer


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 037 - A picture taken at school

Hey we never took a picture in front of Houlihan last night!

Anyway, this is my picture on my grad school ID. It was taken at my grad school. I felt it was the most appropriate lol.

Also having the ID got me into Kildares free last night.


Day 036 - A picture of your pet

Well yesterday I got so caught up with everything going on that I forgot to post, but I don't have a pet so I am going to have to think of something else to put here...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 034 - A picture of your favorite morning

Today was the perfect running around in the rain day and I admit, I did a little running in the rain. Mostly it was to my car, but either way, beautiful! I just wish I had better prepared before work like by bringing my boots so I could jump in puddles and the bottoms of my dress pants wouldn't be ruined but oh well. Then I changed and went back outside so that was enjoyable.

Now this picture was my absolute favorite morning and I'll tell you why right after you soak in the awesomeness of it... mom, dad and I were at the beach two summers ago and one morning Mom and I woke up early to see the sunrise over the ocean. Even though we were looking slightly in the wrong direction to begin with, it was a truly beautiful morning and I got to enjoy quality time with my mom :-)


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 033 - A picture of somewhere you went today

the only place I went today was work...boring...


Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 032 - A picture of what you did today

Today I played wii and dad and I found our new favorite game - flying an airplane over the resort island and shooting balloons :-)

Peace&Love&New Toys

Day 031 - A picture of food you made

So I woke up this morning and realized that I totally forgot to post last night! So here it is, and I'm sorry for the delay!

So for those of you who have been following my blog for a while now, you may remember this food that I made, but I don't make food too often...


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 030 - A picture of someone you miss

"My uncle told me I looked like Cyndi Lauper tonight"
"Possibly because you just wanted to have fun"

Here are some awesome people that I really miss, most of whom I will see again really soon, but it's been awhile (almost a year for some)!

Peace&Love&People being too far away...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 029 - A picture that can always make you smile

This makes me smile because they are two of the best days in my friendship with my best friend. They were more relaxed and carefree days before so much happened but after we became so close.


Day 028 - A picture of something you're afraid of

One of my biggest fears is being alone in all aspects of the word.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 027 - A picture of yourself and a family member

This is me and my cousin when he was visiting. My grandma couldn't get over the fact that we were both going out in ripped jeans and I said "take a picture" joking around and she made us wait while she got her camera, lol. Oh family...


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 026 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

can't wait to start getting these posts up again...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 025 - A picture of your day

I have been so busy lately I've gotten backed up, but pretty soon I'll be able to go back and fix everything! My day today was so hectic and I didn't think to take pictures, but mostly I was getting prepared for my parents 25th anniversary tomorrow, so here is part of my gift to them:

I spent my entire afternoon and evening making it so I suppose it is a picture of my day...


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 023 - A picture of your favorite book

This is my favorite book that I've read recently so it seems like it would fit here. I am still on the look out for an all-time favorite, but maybe that will come in time... I am currently devouring books and I love it.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 022 - A picture of something you wish you were better at

I wish I was better at exercising consistently and stuff, it just never seems to stick...


Week of Winners
Today is the birthday of the boy I took to formal last year. It's interesting how much things change in a year.

Animal Control?
I just witnesses something very strange. I was at the park swinging, as per my usual, and this guy. Drove up in an animal control unit van. At first I'm like" oh great, I'm at the park and there's a wild rabid animal running loose" but then I see the guy pull up to a parked township truck, get out of his van, open the back of the truck, and wheel out a lawn mower. Then the guy puts the lawn mower in his van and drives away. I was so shocked at what happened I didn't know what to do. Should I call the township? Was it a normal occurrence for this to happen? Like what would animal control need with a lawn mower? Or was he just posing as animal ccontrol? Sometimes I feel like I watch too mmany cop shows. I mean, maybe he was helping them out because of the lack of rabid animals in town...but what if he wasn't? What do I do?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinque de May

No? Not the same thing? lol
Anyway, it's cinqo de mayo and I was thinking about what I did last year (hang out at the bar with some friends) and compared it to what I did this year (work at New York & Co) and got a little depressed. Oh well, it's not the end of the world.

So today I started talking to my friend again about a blog we were going to start together and we decided it would be good to start when her semester ends. I am going to begin with the design of it and I'll keep y'all updated on it.

In other news, I finished my semester today!

I thought this post would be more interesting, but all my interesting thoughts got lost between work and now. I'll update later if I think of anything else.


Day 021 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

Sometimes I wish certain things wouldn't continue to come up in my life and this is one of them. I wish I could forget how I felt and what I went through, but the worst part is it wasn't all bad. Ohhh unrequited love haha
Just some Peace&Love today folks :-)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 020 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

I thought by tonight I'd be done with my school work so I haven't gotten this picture together yet, but I will as soon as I finish :-)

Okay, here it is, some places I would love to travel to!

See if you can spot where these places are :-)

Peace&Love&Vacationing :-)

PS It rained today

Quote of the Day:
CD: in my unpredictability I tend to become predictable; I'm more random when I don't try
me: true, the more unpredictable people try to be, the more patterns emerge in the avoidance of patterns

Week of Winners
Today's a double whammy when it comes to winners. Not only is it my ex's birthday, but it's also another ex's brother's birthday. So shout out to NZ and MD for turning another year older...It's pretty much reached the height of this week of winners, which makes sense, since it's Wednesday and includes one real "why did that even happen" winner, who also happens to be the "Princeton is in New Jersey?" winner. Well, at least we can laugh about it since clearly, he wasn't for me. PS don't date younger guys.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 019 - A picture of a letter

So this probably meant a letter like that I wrote or received or something, but this picture is so great I went actual letter of the alphabet route and hope you don't mind :-) This picture is from when my young adult ministry group went to NYC to be in the background of Good Morning America and stuff and then we went to Toys 'R' Us (because what trip to NYC is complete without stopping there?) and took this picture. We thought it was cool that the first initial of each of our names were in order so here we are holding up the initial pillows, only we couldn't find an 'L' for LC...she made it work though ;-)

Here's the one where we found key chain letters that worked:

Peace&Love&Letters :-)

Week of Winners
Today is my ex's birthday, JH. He's a good guy and nice so he's a winner, lol...I don't know what else to say about him except that it's nice we're friends again, so happy birthday!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Current Events

Because of the death of a terrorist, I have posted again today...

I couldn't figure out the right way to express how I feel about the death of Osama bin Laden today, but a friend on facebook posted this quote which I think fits so well. I just can't imagine being happy because someone died, but I really am glad he is no longer acting as a terrorist although I don't believe he could have been doing much since he has been in hiding for ten years. I do not condone the rejoicing which reminds me of something out of the Wizard of Oz (which another friend said the same thing) and just puts me on edge that something worse could happen but maybe the end to the war is nearer than we thought. I really don't feel any safer now that he is dead than I did when he was alive, actually, which may be another reason why I am not celebrating. Even though he was the "inspirational leader", with him gone, someone else will surely step up. And in the ten years he's been in hiding, couldn't he have trained someone else to take his place? They could have been planning for his death for that long which scares me so much more. Maybe I watch too many crime shows. Well I hope we remain safe, and in the meantime, the quote:

‎"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate, adding deeper darkness to a night that is already void of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - Unknown

Dear God,
Let there be peace on earth and help us to come together in union today as we came together that horrible day of 9/11/2001. Please help us to love our neighbors and treat others as we would like to be treated. Let us leave final judgements to You and help us to continue to rejoice and have pride in our nation while attempting to establish serenity throughout the world. You have created us all, You watch over us all, You are bigger than all of us and our troubles so help us to resolve our conflicts. I love You Lord.

Peace&Love&Hope for the world

Day 018 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

having flaws...for instance, my body

Week of Winners
Today is the birthday of a friend from high school, TR, so happy birthday to him! He's dating a good friend of mine, but he and I were friends back from soph/jun yr of hs and traveled with our yg together. He's pretty cool but really quiet and isn't around too much because he's always busy with work. So anyway, Happy Birthday to today's winner, TR :-)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 017 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Our trip to Franciscan really impacted my life recently, everything we did and saw, everyone, and the conversations we had and prayers experienced. It was just an overall awesome time!


Week of Winners
So I decided to call the first week in May the "Week of Winners" since there are so many birthdays of guys I used to date and guys I used to crush on and just plain guys in general who I am friends with...Since today is the birthday of the only person who follows my blog, I want to shout out to Fishy for turning another year older. He's pretty much an awesome guy and I hope he had a happy birthday and wish I could have been there to celebrate!