Being that he is too heavy for mom or I to pick up we have to wait for dad to come home.
And now for my most treasured item (which is pretty perfect for Holy Week)...
My CRY Bible! I got this Bible when I was a junior in high school at a Christ Renews His Youth Retreat (CRY). I love it and you can tell some of the love by the duct taping that went on back in HS by my BFF and I probably during HAP (Help & Access Period - the rest of the world would probably call this study hall but no, SBHS has to be different...go figure (-;)
This Bible has been so many places with me, I read it every night in HS and it came with me to World Youth Day for our pilgrimage through Italy, Austria, and Germany. It was Blessed by Pope Benedict XVI at WYD and it has come on (I think) every retreat I've been on since then. Although some of my friends don't think it's the most age-appropriate translation anymore I still favor it and the amount of underlining and writing in the margins rivals all the books I read in undergrad combined. It also attended almost every class with me my last semester of undergrad because I renewed my love for it after Silent Retreat I believe.
The Bible in general is the Word of God and I really enjoy hearing what He has to say, so it makes sense that the Bible is an important part of my life. Someone once told me BIBLE stood for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth and I love that. Really makes me treasure it that much more :-)
Have a Blessed Holy Thursday everyone! And pray for one of my BFF's LC while she's getting her feet washed at mass tonight -- she has a *slight may be a complete understatement* aversion to being touched but she does really like to be clean...
Peace&Love&God Bless!
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